Desert Wind Music

Flute Fest

Enchanting Flute Music

Flute Fest

If you are looking for a CD with a “lighter” sound, then run out and buy this CD! Andalin Bachman and Desert Wind have created one of the best CDs for dancers, music lovers, jazz enthusiasts, and dreamers of course!

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  • Parthenogenesis
  • Roses Bloom
  • Downtown Belandi
  • Andalin’s Song
  • You’re the Bossa
  • Tribal Convergence
  • Moonlight Sonata
  • Return of the Tribes
  • Veil Dancer (Chifti)
  • Fly with Me
  • Bachman’s Bolero
  • Flute Voyage
  • Disco Beladi

Hear Andalin's Indiginous Flute with Desert Wind's "May Peace be Upon You."

Enjoy this musical journey from the live concert ~ "Aashish Khan & The Inner Voyage World Consort":


This CD has 13 songs and is just over an hour of awe-inspiring music. There is almost everything on this CD: world beat dance music, rock, jazz and Middle Eastern tribal fusion, all enhanced by the exotically beautiful sound of Andalin’s flute. The songs on this CD feature Andalin on Miyazawa silver/gold/platinum flute while Alan and the rest of Desert Wind add the grand piano, mandolin, tablas, doumbeks, electric and acoutic bass, guitar and so much more! It makes for some of the best music by Desert wind yet.

The first song, “Parthenogenesis” begins and ends with sounds of rain and thunder, which was recorded live from their studio window. This is the perfect way to start and end this song, because it is almost elemental in the way it reaches into you and pulls at your soul.

Two of my favorites on this CD are “Roses Bloom” and “Veil Dancer.” They are both chiftitellies and are exceptional pieces for dancing, especially with veil. “Roses Bloom” brings to mind spring, the wonderful light blessed feeling of springtime, flowers and sunshine. It is a joy to listen to. “Veil Dancer” will inspire you to be all you can be just to dance to this song! It is magestic and slow, but also uplifting and awesome at the same time. Anyone dancing to or just hearing this music can’t help but believe.

“Andalin’s Song” and “Flute Voyage” are also excellent veil pieces to dance to. On both of these pieces Andalin has outdone herself. They both push the feeling of leaving on a journey of discovery and the joys that wait at the end. “Andalin’s Song” is very moving and powerfully sincere, while “Flute Voyage” brings you the joys of voyages and leaves you with the longing to just listen to it one more time, and trust me: you will!

“Downtown Beladi” and “Disco Beladi” are both of course beladis, but while they both just make you dance to that wonderful rhythm the flute work is what makes them different. “Disco” brings to mind just that: a room filled with people just dancing for the sheer joy of it. This song would work wonderfully for a troupe, duet or just a group of dancers wanting to just DANCE. “Downtown” is earthier and brings to mind an organized dance with lots and lots of people. It just brings you to earth with that AWESOME funky bass. That sound just makes this whole song the one that I want to listen to over & over again.

All of the songs on this CD are original except for “Moonlight Sonata” which is of course by Beethoven. Now this version of this Beethoven favorite is definitely all Desert Wind! They have added a hauntingly powerful flute arrangement to it, plus drums and tablas, all in their tribal fusion/world beat way. This is hands down the best song on the CD to me. It combines a beautiful classical piece loved by all into an even more beautiful awesome piece of music. It truly brings classical music into the world beat music arena. It blends east and west, past and present flawlessly giving hope for the future of music.

“Bachman’s Bolero” is of course Spanish inspired and you can hear it in the guitar and drum beat. But the flute makes this song so much more than that. It brings to mind the vision of a stately cantina dancer who uses this song not only to entertain but also hold her audience breathless as she conveys her love to her lover. It is very powerful and almost reverent in sound.

“You’re the Bossa” is one of those songs you hear that just makes you glad to be alive on the planet. It is beautiful and fun all at the same time, dancing to this song would be pure joy for all involved, dancer and audience. The flute in this song takes your breath away, makes you smile and fills your soul all at once! Not too bad for a 5 minute song!

“Tribal Convergence” and “Return of the Tribes” are both excellent examples of Desert Wind’s tribal fusion sound,and once again bring joy and fun into your dancing or just listening pleasure. They both bring to mind gatherings of people, dancers and musicians alike who have come together to just celebrate life! You can almost see the dancing, hear the laughter in their voices as they return to the gathering like in “Return.” These songs are tribal fusion at it’s best.

Everyone has at one time or another experienced the feeling of being in a rut due to all sorts of things. Well here is the song to fix that feeling!!! “Fly with Me” is phenomenal! The vocals that are added, the music accents, the pure FUN sound in this song will make you dance. If after turning on this song you don’t feel the absolute compelling need to dance, then I want you to sit down, take your temperature, and call your doctor! Hands down this song is what this CD is! A joyful, fun, uplifiting voyage with music for all.

There is a dedication ont this CD “to the dancers, dreamers and believers who awakened this flute fantasy. . . .” As a dancer, dreamer and believer I can only say this to Andalin and Desert Wind for this wonderful CD: BRAVO, BRAVO, and BRAVO! You have my heartfelt thanks for creating this wonderful sound!

Pricing, Shipping & Tax Information:

  • Kabbalah Shekhinah: Restoring the Balance $14.99
  • World Dance (2 CD Set) $17.99
  • Kali Ma: Dances of Transformation $14.99
  • Return to the Goddess: In Chants and Song $14.99
  • Flute Fest $14.99
  • She is a Tree of Life (2 CD Set) $17.99
  • Gaia, Earth Goddess: Ritual Dances of the Mother $14.99
  • On Wings of Shekhinah $14.99
  • Inner Voyage $14.99
  • Christmas: Rhythms of the Holy Land $14.99
  • The “ORIGINAL” Return to the Goddess $13.99
  • CLOSEOUT! All Cassettes (Kali, Gaia, Return, Shekhina) $3.00

Shipping and Handling Charges:

$ 0.01 – 9.99 $ 1.75
$ 10.00 – 49.99 $ 3.70
$ 50.00 – 99.99 $ 7.80
$ 100.00 – 199.99 $ 10.00
$ 200.00 – $ 17.00

Sales tax for Utah residents only is calculated as required by law, and paid by Desert Wind.

Please Email Desert Wind for Overseas Pricing.

Checks for the full amount, including shipping may be sent to: Desert Wind Music, P.O. Box 3722, Salt Lake City, UT 84110-3722

Alan Scott Bachman

Mary Williams

Rajab Juma

"The Original"

Return to the Goddess by Desert Wind

This recording had never been released on CD until the Fall of 2004, yet it had been ordered “by the hundreds” by dance instructors and their students as a cassette since originally released in the 1980’s. Alan happened to “find” the original DAT tape, and as cassettes have been essentially replaced by CDs, well, Alan decided to release this CD for Desert Wind fans who just won’t let go of the request for this music.

Alan had to actually borrow a copy of the original cassette from Thia in order to list the songs as they were originally known.

This CD is now available through the Desert Wind Website for die hard Desert Wind fans. 

Reviews On Album

Our Success Stories

"A joyful, fun, uplifiting voyage with music for all... BRAVO, BRAVO AND BRAVO!" Reviewed by Jareeda Magazine.

"Experience the ancient-future: gorgeous, rhythmical, spiritual, sensual flute." ~New Age Retailer

Here is a new take on jazz flute ~ Mediterranean style. "... A MUST HAVE CD" ~ Leading Edge Review

Fantastic Fantasy Flute Music 01/17/04 Beautiful, relaxing and upbeat all at the same time, this album is a first in combining American Jazz Flute with Mediterranean style rhythms and scales. ~Great for dancing and dreaming! (This CD was dedicated "to the dancers, dreamers and believers who awakened this flute fantasy.") Desert Wind takes flute music to a new level with this fun flute CD. Starting with the thunder of "Parthenogenesis" and ending with a rock flute / guitar duo, this Flute CD rocks! ~But wait! It's also jazzy and lyrical all at the same time. This is the kind of CD you want to put on for a road trip! Andalin's flute work is spectacular as she spontaneously weaves jazz and Middle Eastern scales over funk bass in "Downtown Beladi". That song alone is worth this CD! Then there is the surprising take on Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" where Desert Wind added a flute part, drums and even tablas! Go figure. (!But then again, Desert Wind is famous for tribal fusion, world-beat innovations in music.) No wonder the dedication also includes a tribute to Miles Davis and Ludwig Van Beethoven in the same breath! Buy this CD! 🙂 AOLCustomer Review by "FluteMusicNow", NYC Flute Fest 01/18/04 Definitely a mixture of genres and influences, we are pleased to present this new release by Desert Wind. The album offers more passionate world beat dance music featuring Andalin's flute in a powerful and exotic blend of jazz, rock, world beat and ever evolving Middle Eastern & Mediterranean tribal fusion. The flute is accompanied by piano, keyboards, tabla, conga, bass, guitar and an impressive array of percussion instruments. ~ Goldenrod Music,

"Desert Wind's passionate world rhythms and signature sounds provide the perfect base from which award winning improvisational flutist Andalin Bachman musically soars. From the new layer she added to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata to a jazzy bossa nova, a rock beladi, and even a dreamy waltz, Flute Fest is delightfully surprising. This festival of flute expressions is a perfect instrumental CD for active meditation, group ambiance and flute lovers." ~New Leaf Distributions,

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