Desert Wind Music

On Wings of Shekhinah

Guided Meditation CD

On Wings of Shekhinah

Desert Wind performed the music for and is pleased to offer Rabbi Leah Novick’s Guided Meditation CD, ON WINGS OF SHEKHINAH RELEASED, 05/02/07!

The preferred method of payment Direct from Desert Wind is by Instant Purchase at PayPal. (For out of U.S.A. sales, please send an email to

To buy through PayPal please click on your choice of title below.
Then click continue shopping to add another or proceed to secure checkout.

On Wings of Shekhinah songs:

  • Shekhinah in the Tapestry of Time
  • Genesis – Recalling the Matriarchs
  • Exodus – Spirit in the Desert
  • Canaan – The Sacred in Nature
  • Temple – Divine Mother Comes Home
  • Talmud – Finding the Inner Sage
  • Medieval – Receiving the Light
  • Zohar – Entering the Tree of Life

Guided Meditation CD

Rabbi Léah Novick is a seasoned spiritual teacher whose study of Jewish mysticism has been focused on Shekhinah – the Divine Feminine. Reb Léah has served conventional synagogues and Renewal groups. She now presents at diverse spiritual gatherings. Honored as “Pathfinder” by the Aleph Alliance, she is featured in numerous articles and books.

Prior to her re-immersion in Jewish spirituality, Reb Léah (aka Lee Novick)
had a long and distinguished political career. Among her many accomplishments, she served as Chief Aide to Congresswoman Bella Abzug (z”l) of New York, Coordinator of the International Women’s Year Commission under Pres. Carter, Director of the California Commission on the Status of Women under Gov. Jerry Brown and Lecturer at U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Public Policy.

Alan & Andalin of Desert Wind composed and performed the music for this
inspiring Guided Meditation with Rabbi Léah Novick.

For more information or for quantity discounts, please send an e-mail directly to Reb Léah. Also ask about her discount for purchases of both the book and guided meditation CD.

Pricing, Shipping & Tax Information:

  • Kabbalah Shekhinah: Restoring the Balance $14.99
  • World Dance (2 CD Set) $17.99
  • Kali Ma: Dances of Transformation $14.99
  • Return to the Goddess: In Chants and Song $14.99
  • Flute Fest $14.99
  • She is a Tree of Life (2 CD Set) $17.99
  • Gaia, Earth Goddess: Ritual Dances of the Mother $14.99
  • On Wings of Shekhinah $14.99
  • Inner Voyage $14.99
  • Christmas: Rhythms of the Holy Land $14.99
  • The “ORIGINAL” Return to the Goddess $13.99
  • CLOSEOUT! All Cassettes (Kali, Gaia, Return, Shekhina) $3.00

Shipping and Handling Charges:

$ 0.01 – 9.99 $ 1.75
$ 10.00 – 49.99 $ 3.70
$ 50.00 – 99.99 $ 7.80
$ 100.00 – 199.99 $ 10.00
$ 200.00 – $ 17.00

Sales tax for Utah residents only is calculated as required by law, and paid by Desert Wind.

Please Email Desert Wind for Overseas Pricing.

Checks for the full amount, including shipping may be sent to: Desert Wind Music, P.O. Box 3722, Salt Lake City, UT 84110-3722

Alan Scott Bachman

Mary Williams

Rajab Juma

"The Original"

Return to the Goddess by Desert Wind

This recording had never been released on CD until the Fall of 2004, yet it had been ordered “by the hundreds” by dance instructors and their students as a cassette since originally released in the 1980’s. Alan happened to “find” the original DAT tape, and as cassettes have been essentially replaced by CDs, well, Alan decided to release this CD for Desert Wind fans who just won’t let go of the request for this music.

Alan had to actually borrow a copy of the original cassette from Thia in order to list the songs as they were originally known.

This CD is now available through the Desert Wind Website for die hard Desert Wind fans. 

Reviews On Album

Our Success Stories

"Oh my God(dess)! This album is spectacular. It feels like a a sweet violin string resonating my every cell. It awakens a precious memory that is my birthright. It makes me want to cry with joy, hope.

"The very best meditations by our beloved Rabbi Léah with original music by our favorite band - Desert Wind. Good for relaxation, healing, connecting with Shekhinah and your soul!" ~ Rabbi Ayla Grafstein, Ruach Hamidbar

"Dear Friends: Reb Léah Novick's long awaited c-d featuring seven guided meditations, with great keyboard and flute music by Desert Wind - is now available. This recording takes you on wonderful journey through history with Shekhinah, the Cosmic Jewish Mother. The meditations are related to different time periods, and are based on Reb Léah's teachings. They will also be included in her upcoming book, to be published by Quest Theosophical Publishers in the fall of 2008. No matter what your gender or spiritual path, we are sure that you will find this material moving and transformative." ~ Susan Saxe, ALEPH, Alliance for Jewish Renewal

I will embrace the past and reach for the future with Rabbi Léah Novick, and use it in groups so others can too. Thank you, thank you for this album." ~ Susan Rose

"Dear Friends: For the last twenty-two years, Reb Léah has been 'receiving' from the realm of Shekhinah and sharing that consciousness with us in her teaching and her davenning. Now, she complements the male tradition with woman-mind, making her unique insights available to a wider audience on this CD. Hearing her voice and the inspiring music transmits Shekhinah awareness directly, into our hearts and our homes." ~ Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

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