Desert Wind Music


Spiritual Connection

Moving through the Music of Desert Wind

A Collaboration of Metaphysical, New Thought, Open Minded Spiritual Groups and Light Workers. See Alan’s Interfaith Talk as Chair of the Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable on February 20, 2011.

The Spirit of Shekhinah, Hebrew Goddess

Shekhinah is the radiant presence of the Divine. She is daughter, sister and mother, the Sabbath Queen, the eternal light. She is the Torah (five books of Moses). The prayer shawls symbolize her clothing. Her name comes from the Hebrew word “shakhan” which means “to dwell.” Her presence dwells within each of us and every where.

Moving through the Music of Desert Wind

Gaia is a name for the ancient earth goddess. “Goddess” Spirituality is the oldest known spirituality on the planet. It was a global experience regardless of the geographical barriers between peoples. Though today many people link “Goddess” with women, “Goddess” spirituality throughout the centuries has also been experienced by millions of men. 

Spiritual Groups

through the music of Desert Wind

Remembering the Earth's Divine Feminine Presence

Thanks to those who are helping bring about the renewal of this Spirit

Zohar's Vision of the Sacred Dance

Travel Highlights

Desert Wind has enjoyed a spiritual journey of performing live music in the presence of many wonderful people on a Spiritual Path.

Desert Wind has been extensively involved with Interfaith Work. Since 2008 when Alan’s “I Am the One” followed by a special Peace Chant, composed in a combination of languages, was sung by children of multiple religions at the Tribute to the Human Spirit concert, Desert Wind has been engaged extensively in interfaith congregations throughout the country. Highlights include Desert Wind’s involvment in the Parliament of the World’s Religions, with Alan Scott Bachman serving as Chair of the Sacred Music Night for the Parliament of World Religions in 2014 in Salt Lake City, Utah, and Desert Wind’s hosting of a workshop in Toronto, Canada in 2018.

Desert Wind performed for the first ever Kabbalah High Holy Days hosted by Ruach Hamidbar in Scottsdale, Arizona. 5769 / 2008. Since then Desert Wind has become a regular there for High Holiday Services and Celebrations.

Desert Wind is honored to have played music for numerous events sponsored by several organizations and featuring inspiring speakers including Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepok Chopra , Rabbi Ayla Grafstein and Dr. Rocco Errico. At the Portland, Oregon Living Enrichment Center, Desert Wind was honored to play at a conference of the “Society for the Universal Human” featuring such famous speakers as Jean Houston, Joan Borysenko, Gary Zukav, Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey, Barbara Marx Hubbard, and many others.

The famous teacher, author, and advisor, Jean Houston said: “Your music is truly a once in ancient future experience. I have purchased all of your cds . . . and I will use them in my seminars.”

Desert Wind performs regularly for the Center for Spiritual Living, formerly and still sometimes called the Church of Religious Science. Performances have also included events for Unity and the Unitarian Church. Highlights have included their performances in Huntington Beach, CA, Santa Rosa, CA, San Diego, CA, Phoenix, AZ, and of course at home in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Jewish music performance highlights include their performances for the Jewish Renewal Kallah, Israel’s 50th and 60th Anniverary Celebrations, the Holocaust Memorial at the Utah State Capitol Rotunda, the International Jewish Genealogy Convetion, reception for the Israeli athletes at the 2002 Winter Olympics, and performances for the JCC, Jewish Federation, America-Israel Friendship League, Congregation Kol Ami, Chabad of Utah, Chavurah B’Yachad,Temple Beth Am, the Acquarian Minyan in Berkley, CA and their favorite, Ruach Hamidbar (Spirit of the Desert) in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Other truly spiritual moments occurred at the Children of Light World-Wide Peace Meditation at the Utah Capitol Rotunda and at several of the New Years Eve World Peace Celebrations held at Midnight Grenich time.

Desert Wind (Winner of 2 Gamel Awards) is pleased to have opened for the FIRST EVER International Academy Awards of Middle Eastern Dance. (~Now an acclaimed annual event held in Los Angeles, California.) Desert Wind opened for the FIRST EVER Rakassah ~ East! And the list goes on. . . . Desert Wind thanks the Belly Dance Community, from the Bedouin Bazaar in San Diego to the Kali Ma fans in Germany, for honoring Desert Wind music with the magic of dance.

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Desert Wind Music


Desert Wind Music