Desert Wind Music

Rabbi Léah Novick - Book

Published by Quest Books, 2008

Rabbi Léah Novick

RELEASE On the Wings of Shekhinah: Rediscovering Judaism’s Divine Feminine PUBLISHED BY QUEST BOOKS On the Wings of Shekhinah takes readers on a guided walk through Jewish history and scripture, revealing along the way the feminine face of God, Shekhinah, a mystical figure that can be found in many traditional world religions but one who, until now, has merely been alluded to by the sages and patriarchal societies. Rabbi Novick draws from the elements of the natural world, starting with the Torah and the many legends that emphasize the presence of the Shekhinah. She then discusses the Talmud and the ethical nature of the human relationship with the Divine Presence, who appears in the context of positive human activities such as study, prayer, and charity. From Israel and the Middle East, where these concepts originated, to medieval Germany where the early Jewish “Pietists” held a more abstract vision of Shekhinah as light and prayer, Novick continues through the evolution of the Divine Feminine by introducing readers to the Zohar—the most engendered version of the divine feminine energy—and the Kabbalists of 13th and 14th century Spain, as well as the 16th century teachings of the Lurianic circle in Northern Israel, who developed the prayer practices for receiving the Shekhinah as “Shabbos Queen.”

Rediscovering Judaism's Divine Feminine

Female and feminist readers alike will perhaps appreciate this text the most when they reach the latter half of the 20th century when women emerged to lead their communities towards a better life; a life of more equity as the world began to allow the entry of the divine feminine energy. We see evidence of this today in the generations of women rabbis and cantors, musicians and dancers, all leading the world to embrace the Divine Mother. On the Wings of Shekhinah will provide lay readers with an understanding of how the Jewish sages of each cultural era envisioned the Divine Feminine, and how those insights provide the direct linkage with the understanding of the Goddess in other faith traditions. In that regard, it will help make Judaism more accessible for those on Eastern and Native American paths. It may also provide a healing framework for those of Christian or Jewish background who rejected their religion of origin based on the perceived, stringent gender roles. Rabbi Léah Novick is a leader in the Jewish spiritual renewal movement, which emphasizes meditation, music, and mysticism. She has researched the Shekhinah for twenty years and led workshops and ceremonies in North America, Europe, and Israel. She lives in Carmel, California.

RABBI LÉAH NOVICK is a pioneer in restoring the Feminine to contemporary Judaism. Active in the Jewish Renewal movement, she leads workshops around the globe. For more information or for quantity discounts, please send an e-mail directly to Reb Léah. Also ask about her discount for purchases of both the book and guided meditation CD.

Reviews from our Contemporary Sages

Our Success Stories

"In relation to God every soul is feminine, and this is a book for every soul. Rabbi Novick is a conduit for what Shekhinah wishes to communicate to our generation for the healing of the planet." ~ Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, author of Wrapped in a Holy Flame

"Denied and suppressed for thousands of years, the Divine Feminine returns at a time when the breakdown of traditional belief leaves us desperate for love, for security, for protection, for wisdom, for meaning. It leaves us yearning for a nurturing and cultivation of our whole being, that we might be adequate stewards of the coming planetary civilization. Luminous and astute, this invaluable resource follows the journey of the Shekhinah through Jewish scripture, Midrash, and Kabbalah, concluding with her rise among Jewish feminists who understand that the Feminine Face of God is necessary to the health both of soul and world. Author Rabbi Novick also offers profound visualizations to help us connect personally with the Shekhinah. Art the heart of the Mystery we discover Shekhinah as our hope, our beckoning evolutionary vision, and our point of contact with the spiritual genius that resides within each of us." ~ Jean Houston, Ph.D., author of twenty-six books, including Godseed and Manual for the Peacemaker

"On the Wings of Shekhinah is a rare treasure, alive with the very Presence of the Divine Feminine. A perfect blend of head and heart, this magnificent volume is an authentic transmission that carries the reader home to the land of the soul." ~ Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Your Soul's Compass and A Woman's Journey to God

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